Professional & Career Development Seminar

The Japan-America Society of Georgia, JET Alumni Association of the Southeast (JETAASE), and Pasona NA, Inc. present a professional & career development seminar to explore the key elements of career planning and achieving your professional goals in the Japan-America field. This event also features a panel discussion by representatives from Japanese and American companies who will discuss advice and suggestions on landing your dream job and advancing your career. ジョージア日米協会ではJETAASE とPASONA NA, Inc.の協賛で、日本と米国における求職者の皆様の就職プランや 目的達成への基本事項に関する就職セミナーを行います。日米企業の代表者による求職のアドバイスや仕事の昇進に関してのパネル・ディスカッションも開催されます。
Date & time: 2015-10-23 15:00


Baker Donelson, Monarch Plaza, 3414 Peachtree Rd, NE #1600, Atlanta, GA 30305